Best F(r)iends Q&A with Greg Sestero

Cinema Nova will screen the new movie from The Room's Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero at this one-off event.
Sarah Ward
Published on May 15, 2018


It's the film that had to happen, honestly. Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero couldn't just give the world the so-bad-it's-amazing gift that is The Room and leave it at that — even if their disasterpiece became the basis for Sestero's ace behind-the-scenes book The Disaster Artist, and then the oh-so spot-on movie adaptation of the same name.

No, this cinematic odd couple just had to make a second flick. Really, they had to. All those spoons thrown at cinema screens, all those screams of "you're tearing me apaaaaart!", all those "oh hi, doggy" comments: as The Room became a cult phenomenon over the past 15 years, we've all been praying to the deity that is Wiseau's long, greasy locks, and hoping that the world's most unlikely film star and his best friend would make another movie.

Well, they have, and it's called Best F(r)iends. It was written by Sestero but directed by someone other than Wiseau, so it might all make some kind of sense this time. Apparently inspired by a road trip the duo took just after they'd made The Room, it's actually the first volume of a two-part flick, starring Sestero as a drifter and Wiseau as a mortician. We know — the latter couldn't sound like better casting. Maybe he's a vampire, too? Either way, the pair hatch a scheme that comes undone due to greed and jealousy, sparking a road trip as well as an exploration of friendship and loyalty. Switch out a few details, and it sounds a little like our favourite best worst film.

If you're so filled with excitement that you feel like storming onto a rooftop and throwing a bottle, don't stress — Best F(r)iends is coming to Melbourne, screening at Cinema Nova at 7pm on Thursday, June 21. Even better, Sestero will be in attendance to answer all of your questions. Just don't ask him how his sex life is, obviously.

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