Cheese Making at The Craft & Co.
Get the rundown on ricotta and learn some bocconcini basics over a glass of wine.
We all love a good hunk of cheese. Hard, soft, sharp, gooey — you really can't go wrong with the stuff. Now it's time to deepen your love for our often stinky friend, and learn how to make your own fromage. Multipurpose warehouse The Craft & Co. — which houses a cafe, bar, distillery, brewery, bottle shop, bakery, coffee roaster and cured meats rooms (phew) — obviously didn't already have enough in the ol' repertoire, so the team also run cheese making classes to compensate. Learn how to make Romano and ricotta from expert cheesemakers, as they give you a detailed rundown of the entire process. You'll finish your Thursday in a hearty cheese coma, drowsy and content with the new cultured knowledge you've gained.