Event West End

Cinco de Mayo at Beach Burrito West End

What's a fiesta without cheap tacos, a taco eating contest, and on-theme drinks to wash down your tacos?
Jessica Surman
April 22, 2015

in partnership with


Dust off your sombreros, amigos. The latest international excuse for a good time to reach our shores is Cinco de Mayo — a celebration of all things Mexican (which, if we’re being nit-picky, is really more of an Americanisation than anything but shh, let us party). In celebration, the folks at Corona and Beach Burrito Company West End are putting together a fiesta, complete with face painting by local street artists and the first ever Taco Time Trials Eating Contest.

For the less competitively inclined but equally taco-happy, Cinco de Mayo falls conveniently on a Tuesday, and Beach Burrito Co’s regular $3 taco deal applies, so your pesos’ll stretch further. With what you’ve got left, you can sip salt-rimmed margaritas, down trays of tequila shots (not recommended) or share a bucket of ice-cold Coronas.

And, of course, come prepared to smash and whack your way to glory, because they wouldn’t be doing Mexico right without pinatas.




Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Beach Burrito West End
100 Boundary Street
West End


Free entry
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