Ever seen someone play a harmonica fashioned out of a Mexican handgun?
Because 'Make Love, Not War' is so over, Pedro Reyes latest exhibition has suggested a new alternative: make music! It may be a simple premise, but the result is amazing. Using discarded weapons confiscated by the Mexican army, Reyes has created a grand total of 47 very unique instruments. Electric guitars,violins, flutes, and intriguing hybrids — all fashioned out of artillery.
Of course, it has a pretty hefty political bent, but when it comes down to it there's a simple joy in watching someone play a harmonica carved out of a handgun. Keep an eye on the Melbourne Festival site to find out when the concert's going to be (oh yeah, that's happening), and check out Pedro Reyes' free talk on October 13 to hear more about it.
Check out the rest of our picks for the Melbourne Festival here.