Game of Rhones 2019

Help yourself to some Dornish red at this one-day Rhone Valley wine festival.
Tom Clift
Published on February 27, 2019


In the words of Tyrion Lannister, it's not easy being drunk all the time. Everyone would do it if it were easy. That may be true, but you can certainly give it a go, when Game of Rhones makes a comeback for one last event.

Taking place on Saturday, May 18, it will coincide with the screening of the final season of Game of Thrones. For those that haven't been to one of these before, the premise is this: a bunch of wineries featuring varietals from France's Rhone Valley come together with people who love the works of George R. R. Martin — in costume. The event will welcome heaps of wines from winemakers such as Whistler Wines, Henschke and Sutton Gorge.

Tickets are $60 and include all the wine tastings from the session, which will run from 11am–3.30pm. In between goblets, ticketholders will get the chance to chat with sommeliers and snack on some themed dishes.

It should also go without saying that dressing up as your favourite GoT character is highly encouraged. Zombie John Snow, anyone?

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