Travel & Leisure

Isolation Trivia: 'Shrek' Edition

Be an all star while answering questions about everyone's favourite green ogre.
By Sarah Ward
June 13, 2020

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Saturday, June 13, 2020

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Slowly, Australia is starting to emerge from COVID-19 lockdown, which includes bars, pubs and venues — but life isn't back to normal just yet. That means that Isolation Trivia is still going strong and, on Saturday, June 13, going green as well. Yep, it's hosting a session dedicated to animated favourite Shrek.

If you know why it really isn't easy being an ogre, you've watched the vibrant CGI animation more times than you can remember, and you've memorised the voices of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy and Cameron Diaz, well, this is for you. And, as no one who has ever seen Shrek before can manage to forget, a whole lot of Smashmouth — aka 'All Star' and their version of 'I'm a Believer' — will also likely feature prominently.

No bookings or registrations are required — all you need to do it hit up the event Facebook page at 6.25pm.

And if you're wondering exactly which parts of the Shrek franchise you'll be quizzed on, this trivia night will focus on the 2001 movie that started it all, plus 2004's Shrek 2. So, no need to worry about Shrek the Third, Shrek Forever After, Puss in Boots, or all the Shrek short films, TV shows and TV specials.

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