Melbourne Festival of Puppetry 2015

A six-day vaudevillian escapade, with an after-dark program that is decidedly unsuitable for children.
Tom Clift
Published on June 29, 2015


The team at La Mama Theatre are pulling all the right strings, as the hosts of the 2015 Melbourne Festival of Puppetry. Presented in association with the Lemony S Puppet Theatre, this six-day festival features a dozen different shows, including a dedicated after-dark program that is decidedly unsuitable for children.

The daytime lineup consists of plenty of family-friendly acts, including a pop-up picture book show and a puppet-making workshop. But it’s the evening stream that’s really grabbed our attention, with a number of performances designed specifically for grown-ups. A surreal, cross-disciplinary examination of human mortality, Post Mortem was a highlight of last year’s Melbourne Fringe Festival. Augustine’s Circus Spectacular combines time travel with gallows humour, while things get even more morbid in Nightmare, a creepifying sideshow performed to an audience of just eight.

For more information including the full festival program, visit the La Mama website.

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