Mr Burger's Pinball Party

Let your pinball skills feed you for the next six months.
Jonathan Ford
Published on January 25, 2018


Think you're a fiend on the flippers? This could be your chance to finally prove yourself and win a pretty delicious prize.

To celebrating the installation of pinball tables at Mr Burger's South Yarra and Bentleigh locations, free games will be offered with any burger purchased — and there's also a free beer included with each burger, to fuel your confidence. Both locations will be offering the deal from 6–9pm on the night.

And what's the prize if you end up with the most points on the pinball table at the end of the night? It's six months' worth of free burgers for you.

In both food truck and brick-and-mortar form, Mr Burger has been serving burgers in Melbourne for six years with a focus on American-style cuisine. Late last year, they spruced up their premises and brought on Belles Hot Chicken talent Morgan McGlone to overhaul their menu. If you haven't had the chance to give the new dishes a spin, use this as your excuse.



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