Event Arts & Entertainment

Pastello Draw Act

Scribbling on the walls used to be a top ten reason for grounding, now it's art.
Shannon Connellan
June 11, 2014


Scribbling on the walls used to be a top ten reason for grounding. Now the NGV wants you to scribble all over their White Cube.

Design duo Matheny Studio have created a brand new kids space at the National Gallery of Victoria called Pastello Draw Act — without a fun-quashing parent voice (or airport official) in sight. Kids can gear up in futuristic crayon-studded helmets and crayon-soled shoes and let the rainbow destruction run rife; allowed to colour, scribble, sketch, draw and obliterate every surface in the space with whatever hue's on the menu. Tables aren't safe. Walls can't run. Footstools quiver in fear. It's not every day kids are allowed to make as much mess as they want.

"Pastello Draw Act is a new immersive kids space focused on transforming perception surrounding the simple act of drawing," say Matheny Studio on Vimeo. The studio designed the space and crayon accessories specifically for NGV, seeing an opportunity for unbridled artistry by our most abstract expressionist of citizens: children.

Pastello Draw Act will be open at the NGV until August 31.



Wednesday, June 11, 2014 - Sunday, August 31, 2014

Wednesday, June 11 - Sunday, August 31, 2014


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