People Like Us

Featuring robot surgery, virtual bike rides and aural cat portraits galore.
Tom Clift
Published on June 27, 2016


Art, technology and the human experience coalesce at a new exhibition at Geelong Gallery. Presented in partnership with the University of NSW and Museums and Galleries NSW, People Like Us features the work of a number of contemporary artists from around Australia and the world, and combines sound, music, the moving image and interactive technology to explore the way new media influences our lives.

On display at the gallery until August 21, People Like Us encourages visitor interaction. Take a virtual bike ride through Sydney, journey through human blood vessels, or download an app that syncs a multimedia artwork with the rhythm of your heart.

Other highlights of the free exhibition include a symphonic tribute to the victims of the Hillsborough human crush disaster, a video work featuring a robotic surgical procedure, and a series of audio portraits of purring cats. If that's not worth taking the trip to Geelong, then we don't know what is.

Image: Angelica Mesiti, Rapture (silent anthem), 2009, single-channel video, colour, 10 minutes, 10 seconds. Courtesy the artist and Anna Schwartz Gallery.


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