Event Wandin East

Pick Your Own Cherries

Head out to the Yarra Valley and get picking — and eating.
Sarah Ward
November 24, 2020


They're red, they're sweet and they're small — and they're also the fruit that we all associate with the merriest time of year. Yes, it's cherry season. And if you're keen to not only eat them, but also to pick them, you can do just that at Cherryhill Orchards.

From Friday, November 27, the Yarra Valley site is letting folks in to help pluck those rosy fruits from all of its cherry trees, as it does every year. And heading along and taking part comes with a very tasty bonus, because you can eat as many cherries as you like while you're picking them.

Sessions are currently available until Sunday, January 10, starting at $19.50 per person. That's how much you'll pay to get in, and to pick. If you'd like to take some cherries home with you as well, they're charged by the kilogram when you head off.

This year's cherry-picking shenanigans will be a little different from previous years, adapting to everything the past 12 months has thrown the world's way. The number of folks allowed onsite to pick at any one time will be limited, and you'll get two hours — plus half an hour for administration requirements before you start and once you've finished.

When you're done, you can also head to the onsite cafe for a cherry ice cream, hit up some food trucks or tuck into your own BYO picnic.




Friday, November 27, 2020 - Sunday, January 10, 2021

Friday, November 27, 2020 - Sunday, January 10, 2021


Cherryhill Orchards
474 Queens Road
Wandin East


From $19.50
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