Poodle Bar & Bistro's Fifth Birthday
This birthday bash features hot Italian sandos, cocktails and other sips, and late-night DJs whipping up a ruckus.
Poodle Bar & Bistro, aka The Kennel, is celebrating its 5th birthday in style this Labour Day long weekend. Renowned for its European-style cuisine, moody interiors and stellar cocktail selection, this not-so-old dog is breaking out a few new tricks to ring in the occasion, with the venue's biggest-ever free party.
Kicking things off at 2pm, deli-sandwich newcomer Carlito's will be in the house serving hot and fresh Italian sandwiches. As you'd expect, party cocktails will be pouring late into the night, while you can always satiate yourself with Poodle's house-made plonk for a cheaper alternative. Then, make your way upstairs to the first-ever Poodle Private Dining Rave Room with Turbo Thot on the decks – it'll be as debaucherous as it sounds.
Every birthday bash needs a killer soundtrack – good thing the DJ lineup is stacked with talent, as DJ Sarah (in2stellar), Pjenné, Yumdoggmillionaire, Myles Mac and DJ Possum guide the tunes across the rest of the venue. Entry is free, but RSVP is required to attend. Just know, you're gonna need some hair of the dog come Monday morning.

Michael Pham