Raven' Mad

This fun and wacky tale of two rival groups battling it out for freedom is told in the form of a hilarious circus-infused street-theatre performance.
Libby Curran
Published on April 01, 2022


If you're after a few chuckles for your weekend, we've got a circus-infused street-theatre show with your name written all over it. Appearing at Prahran Square for two free daily performances from Friday, April 1–Sunday, April 3 (4pm, 6.30pm), Raven' Mad is delivering the laughs for Melbourne International Comedy Festival.

Presented by the National Institute of Circus Art, the show tells the absurd tale of two rival groups — the local raven-like bureaucrats, and a suburban family of bowerbird-esque eccentrics obsessed with collecting blue hard rubbish as they travel across Melbourne in search of greener pastures.

A battle ensues as the ravens swoop in to put a stop to the collectors' endeavours and threaten to send them packing. And what a battle it is, unfolding via a spectacular display of foot-juggling, hula-hooping, acrobatics, skipping, slapstick, improv and more. Expect plenty of audience interaction, too.

The work's directed by Mike Finch (Artistic Director Circus Oz 1997–2015) and designed by Emily Barrie, with a cast featuring some of Australia's most celebrated circus performers.


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