Saigon Sally’s Rooftop Yacht Club

Vietnamese snacks, coconuts and St Kilda sunsets — what better way to see out summer?
Lauren Vadnjal
Published on March 10, 2014


Unfortunately this event doesn't quite warrant the use of 'I'M ON A BOAT', but it does take place on a rooftop, giving you ample Instagram bragging rights. Replicating Vietnam's Nha Trang Yacht Club, Saigon Sally and Hanoi Hannah are hosting an afternoon of Vietnamese snacks, coconuts and St Kilda sunsets. As well as the familiar rice paper rolls and beef cigars, chef Adrian Li will be preparing a range of seafood dishes — perfectly complemented by drinking coconuts and a crisp, cold lager. Your $35 will get you entry and a coconut, with other food and drinks available for purchase.

Unfortunately due to unfavourable weather conditions the Nha Trang Yacht Club event this coming Sunday March 16th has been postponed. Sally Sally and Hanoi Hannah will be contacting all tickets holders this week regarding refunds. For any enquires please call Simon at Hanoi Hannah on 03 9939 5181 (ext 1).

This event appeared as one of our top ten picks for the 2014 Melbourne Food and Wine Festival. See here for the full list.

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