Series Mania 2018

The world's biggest TV festival returns to Melbourne.
Sarah Ward
Published on July 08, 2018


There really is a festival for everything, and come July 19 to 22 at Melbourne's Australian Centre for the Moving Image, that includes television. Not content to let film monopolise the big screen fest space, ACMI is playing host to the world's biggest TV festival, with Series Mania heading to Australia for the second time.

With a name that could also describe humanity's reaction each and every time a new season of a TV show hits a streaming platform, Series Mania returns for four days of television-focused fun — and  with a huge program. The lineup features 20 TV series and three web series from around the world, including five world premieres, 16 Australian premieres and two Melbourne premiere. New series starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Alicia Silverstone, Rachel Griffiths and Mark Strong are all on the bill, as are an in-conversation session with Patrick Melrose screenwriter David Nicholls and co-star Hugo Weaving, acclaimed US coming-of-age drama The Chi and opening night's Aussie series Wrong Kind of Black.

If that all sounds like your idea of a great way to spend a day or several, then prepare for an epic binge session — but out of the house and not in your pyjamas. And in even better news, all screening sessions at Series Mania are free.

Image: Nathalie Prèbende.

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