The Fine Design Market

The Fine Design Market is back, with even more crafty bits and pieces for you to drool over.
Bonnie Leigh-Dodds
Published on August 04, 2014


Get out your inner kitsch, embrace your inner quirk and head to the Fine Design Market for your fix of arts and crafts.

Celebrating independent Australian designers, the Fine Design Market boasts a range of boutique crafts, art, music and tasty, tasty food. What's more, it's indoors — meaning that dastardly weather is no longer an excuse not to head to a market.

Head to MC Square in Doncaster from 10am – 3pm this Sunday, August 10, Sunday, September 12 and perhaps for a Chrissy pressie on Sunday, December 7. Or if you're interested in running a stall of your very own, check out the website and apply now. Keep an eye on their Facebook page too, as they update it regularly with sneak peeks of stall items. Happy market-ing.

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