'Untitled Goose Game' Live
ACMI is bringing 'Untitled Goose Game' to the big screen with a live orchestral soundtrack.
Sorry Mario Kart. Move over Tetris. Forget Wii Sports, Pokémon Go, Street Fighter or whatever other title first springs to mind whenever you think about video games. They're all well and good, but they aren't about to take over the big screen at Melbourne's Australian Centre for the Moving Image. No, that honour goes to homegrown hit Untitled Goose Game.
Made in Melbourne, and gaining millions of fans since it was released by House House in 2019, Untitled Goose Game is a puzzle game — and, yes, it's about a goose. You play as the bird, and your aim is to move objects and other characters, and just generally cause chaos in a small village. No description can really do it justice, though — you just need to play it.
As well as filling oh-so-many video game-playing hours over the past few years, Untitled Goose Game sports an ARIA-nominated original soundtrack by Dan Golding — and that'll be played by an orchestra during ACMI's Untitled Goose Game Live shows. Make a date with the Federation Square spot on Friday, July 8 and Saturday, July 9, and prepare to see and hear one of the gaming phenomenons of the 21st century like you've never seen or heard it before.
Orchestra Victoria will be bringing the music to life at this world-premiere event, playing a new arrangement of Golding's soundtrack that's been crafted just for the show and features tunes by classical French composer Claude Debussy. The musicians will also react live to what's happening on the screen, meaning that each gig will play out differently.
Untitled Goose Game Live takes place at 3.30pm and 6pm on the Friday, and at 11am and 1pm on the Saturday.
And yes, if you've been to orchestral shows featuring Harry Potter flicks, Studio Ghibli's delights, Toy Story and more before, the concept here is the same — just with a super-popular video game about a pesky goose.
Check out the Untitled Goose Game trailer below: