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A Cheese Advent Calendar Is the Edible Delight Your Festive Season Needs

Putting the cheese into Christmas.
Sarah Ward
December 03, 2016


If there's a festive trend that everyone can get on board with, it's the emergence of luxury, adult-oriented advent calendars. The start of December now means ripping open the doors, day by day, on something other than cardboard and cheap chocolate. Booze, beauty products, candles, ties, toys, tea, fancier foods: they're all there for the taking in daily doses — and now, so is cheese.

The cheese advent calendar is being called a world-first, and it started out as a home-made affair. London-based food blogger Annem Hobson set herself a challenge to come up with the dairy-lover's delight back in 2015, and had such fun making and eating it that she's now preparing to start selling them.

Cheese Advent Calendar

Alas, you won't be able to get your cheese fix until 2017; however you can register your interest on the calendar's website. At the time of writing, more than 9,000 people had done just that — and that tally keeps climbing. Everyone's dreaming of a cheddar, brie or gouda filled Christmas, it seems.

"But I want cheese now!" your stomach is probably screaming. Don't worry, there's a solution. Hobson has also shared a step-by-step guide to making your own. 'Tis the season for some cheese-inspired arts and crafts, perhaps?

Image: So Wrong It's Nom.

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