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The Munich Brauhaus Oktoberfest Planner

Gear up for pretzels, pork, steins of beer and a few games of hammerschlagen.

Meg Watson
September 10, 2014


Australia and Germany aren't so different, you know. We both have a rich history of meat-eating — we take our sausages very seriously — and we wear our beer bellies with a possibly misplaced sense of pride. While we usually just celebrate both these pastimes with a piss up on Australia Day, the Germans make a whole festival out of it.

Jealous? Us too. That's why Munich Brauhaus has everything you need to bring the celebrations down under. The 900-seater, authentically styled German beerhall, just a short walk from the CBD, has an enormous list of beers on tap, enough schnapps to get your Bavarian grandmother excited, and most things on the menu are in some way related to seasoned pork. Here are a few of the events they have in store for you this Oktoberfest.

Get into tradition with a keg tapping

First off, despite what the name may suggest, Oktoberfest officially starts in September. Get kitted out in proper lederhosen from September 19 and embrace the full experience of a Bavarian beerhall at Munich Brauhaus. Here, you can spill half your drink while participating in a bier stein carrying competition, and get it filled up again with the traditional tapping of the keg. The venue is also playing host to an array of German games. Our favourite is hammerschlagen (nail hammering) — because what could be better than copious amounts of beer and untrained people swinging hand tools?

September 19

Don't even think about not drinking beer

Usually we're up for a full taste test of everything on the menu, but Oktoberfest is all about the beer. Don't be the person who orders a chardonnay or a single malt scotch. Your drink is going to look strange and miniature next to the 1L steins everyone else is swaying above their heads. But, if you really have no idea what to order — especially when everything on tap is invariably spelled with an umlaut — try a traditional bier flight. You can taste a little bit of all the rare German offerings and look like a real connoisseur of the craft to all the diehard bierheads out there.

Bier flights throughout Oktoberfest.

Go Pro in The Oktoberfest Hunt

Not only are lederhosen good at keeping your pants up and fun to obnoxiously pull at, in this case they could also win you a prize! This year, Oktoberfest venues across the country are on The Hunt for the Prince and Princess of Oktoberfest. Deck yourself out in festival garb, head down to the Brauhaus and get set to compete in basic Bavarian trivia, some traditional games, stein drinking competitions and more. For your trouble, you could be looking at $5,000 worth of prize money when the national finals are held here on October 12. Do you have any idea how many hot pretzels you can buy with that kind of money?

Melbourne finals September 28, national finals October 12.

Pace yourself for the Oktoberfest Long Weekend

Though traditional festivities kick off in late September, be mindful not to drink yourself into a Deutsch stuper too early on; the real party hits from October 3-6. Jägermeister are teaming up with the Munich Brauhaus to start the party on Friday, and thing are bound to step up a notch. See the season off in style, while singing with an elderly oom-pah band, downing a couple of schnapps of Jäger, and swaying your free stein of freshly tapped weissbier above your head. If at all possible, please drink responsibly/stay alive.

October 3-6

For more Oktoberfest shenanigans, see the Munich Brauhaus website.