Cafe Melbourne

Hardware Societe

A sprawling new cafe that marks the second CBD venue for the Melbourne institution.
Libby Curran
March 12, 2019


You'd be hard-pressed to find too many Melbourne cafes that have been kicking on for a whole decade. But it seems there's just no stopping Hardware Société — the CBD gem that's gearing up to celebrate its tenth birthday.

The petite Hardware Street haunt is something of an institution, its creatively charged brunch fare and top-notch coffee known to pull some pretty hefty queues, any day of the week. Now, to mark the big 1-0, co-owners Di and Will Keser have opened the doors to a second, roomier venue — spread across a whole 255-square-metres — in Katherine Place.

This time around, the design work takes its cues from Denmark, teaming rattan, leather and timber finishes with the likes of marble Wrong X Hay London lighting and a palette of pastel pinks and greens.

The upsized kitchen space allows for an expanded food offering, too, with an all-day brunch menu on offer from 7.30am daily. Hardware Société's signature innovative flair shines through a new suite of certain hits, from lobster benedict teamed with citrus hollandaise on a black bun, to seared tuna mille-feuille with scallop tartare, yuzu aioli and a 64-degree egg. Old favourites like the chorizo baked eggs are sticking around, alongside classic French dishes like duck au vin and croque madame.

It's all matched with Padre specialty coffee — vital for pre-work sessions — or you can dial up the decadence with a tap brew, wine or breakfast cocktail. But perhaps the most exciting addition to the Katherine Place store is Hardware Société's newly minted Friday knock-off sessions — roll in from 5pm for after-work drinks and clever snacks, like charcuterie, lobster and prawn brioche buns, and jamón and manchego croquettes.

Images: Peter Tarasiuk.




10 Katherine Place




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