Underground Art Tours at The Dirty Dozen

Discover the 'creative practitioners' of Melbourne.
Caterina Hrysomallis
Published on April 21, 2017


On your waltz home from work, stop by Flinders Street Station's Degraves Lane underpass. Here you'll find The Dirty Dozen, a public art gallery of 12 display windows, each showcasing an ephemeral installation. Artists aren't only on show, 'creative practitioners', as dubbed by Melbourne City Council — meaning tradies, lawyers and everyone in between — can also set up installations reflecting their professions and a theme or issue within it. Slow your mid-week rush, and see what the people of Melbourne have to show, from the meeting point of art and science by the engineers and scientists of Skunk Control, to the morphing, evolving art by Monash University fine art honours students.


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