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Melbourne's Getting a High-Flying New Tourist Attraction

The perfect spot for one heck of a Classic Catch.
Shannon Connellan
February 18, 2016


Sydneysiders have been pretty damn stoked with their lofty tourist attraction, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, since it opened on March 19, 1932. Then, in 1998, Bridgeclimb Sydney let keen beans walk all over it — bringing even more sweet, sweet tourist dollar to the city. Even we walked over it. Now, Melbourne wants a piece of the high-flying action, with a brand new attraction planned for the Melbourne Cricket Ground.

Confirmed by Sports Minister John Eren on 3AW Breakfast and reported by The Vine, the Victorian and Federal Government are planning to spend $3 million on a 'tourist walk' at the MCG, built high above the hallowed turf. Apparently you'll be able to survey your crickety kingdom from 70 metres up — the ultimate spot for one heck of a Classic Catch.

The best bit? There are reports of a flying fox or zipline to send you whizzing across the MCG. A ZIPLINE FLYING FOX. Official plans and dates haven't been revealed as yet, but we can dream.

Via 3AW and The Vine. Image: Sascha Wenninger.