Independence Day: Resurgence

Big, dumb and not remotely fun.
Tom Glasson
Published on June 28, 2016


It's been almost twenty years since the aliens of Independence Day came down and made a global nuisance of themselves. Fair to say a lot's happened since then, mostly to do with iPhones and TV shows about 'real housewives'. But in the world of Roland Emmerich's movie, things have advanced even further. We're talking flying cars, moon bases and even above ground monorails! Hybrid alien/earth technology has led to giant leaps forward in almost every facet of life, not to mention ushering in an unprecedented era of global peace. But then, wouldn't you know it, the aliens return, and – surprise surprise – they are pissed.

Independence Day: Resurgence reunites pretty much the entire cast of the original film save for Will Smith – who has been unceremoniously killed off – while also introducing some newer, younger and more marketable faces in the form of Liam Hemsworth, Maika Monroe, Jessie Usher and Chinese superstar Angelababy.


First, aliens invade and park a giant ship where there was clearly a no parking sign, ruining several perfectly lovely cities like London and Hong Kong in the process. Next, Earth launches a counter-attack with an impressive aerial armada, only to be completely scuttled and sent packing with our tails between our legs. Then the aliens reveal their true purpose (literally to do again what they came to do last time, exactly the same way), before Bill Pullman gets into a fighter plane and brings down the invaders with not a second to spare because – and we can't stress this point enough – 'that's what worked last time'.

The result is an altogether dull blockbuster, assuming that's not an oxymoron. There's zero chemistry between any two members of the cast, while the battle scenes feel disappointingly familiar. It's also one of those frustrating films where giant plot holes are constantly pulling you out of the story, as you find yourself wanting to yell questions at the screen. These may include:

"Why are we still baffled by the alien shields if we knew they had them twenty years ago?"


"Why are we surprised by the speed of the alien ships when they've not changed since the last time?"

and of course:

"Why do we have countdowns on our earth-defending weapons, when all they do is give the aliens more time to blow them up?"

Big, dumb and fun is an established genre in Hollywood these days, and one that's not entirely without its merits. Silly blockbusters are great for whiling away a rainy afternoon or getting you to the end of a long-haul flight. But when the 'dumb' is so overbearing that it drowns out the 'fun', and the 'big' being made 'bigger' represents the only substantive change, then you're left with a massively expensive yet spectacularly hollow sequel that quite simply fails to entertain. Rest in peace, Will Smith's character. Yours is the only one whose memory hasn't been soiled.


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