A Night of Astrophotography with Mark Gee

Don't miss the biggest star party in the southern hemisphere.
Gussie Larkin
Published on May 16, 2017


There's nothing like the feeling of gazing up into the night sky, watching it fill with stars as you try not to have an existential crisis. Capture those surreal moments forever with a night of astrophotography with award-winning photographer Mark Gee at Red Rocks Nature Reserve on Saturday 20 May.

In association with the Space & Science festival, the annual Night of Astrophotography is expected to be bigger than ever before. Mark Gee will kick off the evening with a basic astrophotography tutorial — then it's just you, your camera and the cosmos. Photographers of any ability are welcome and kids are encouraged to come along too. Grab your DSLR camera and tripod, or simply head along for a night of stargazing and epiphanies.

New Zealand is lucky to have little light pollution and dark night skies — capture the beauty yourself on the night of Saturday 20 May at Red Rocks.


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