Event Newtown

No Lights No Lycra

Dance your ass off in the dark, without judgement, tequila or a poorly placed armchair to burden your moves.
Diana Clarke
August 04, 2015


Does your love for dancing exceed your skills? Could you you do with a pick me up every single Monday? Do you have a reasonably strong aversion to lycra? If you answered yes to all of the above, then schedule in a weekly Monday night appointment for No Lights No Lycra at St Annes Hall in Newtown.

The thing about dancing is that everyone does it. And everyone enjoys doing it. But the degree of our dance skills and capacity for humiliation determines the environments and audiences with which we can dance. Which means that for those of us who never trained with the royal ballet, our mad dance moves are confined to night clubs post-tequila shots, or the comforts of our own living rooms where coffee table related injuries tend to occur. Until now, that is. Dancing just became super accessible and un-embarrassing. No Lights No Lycra is about dressing in comfortable clothes, gathering in a meeting place of like minded closet dancers, and dancing your ass off in the dark, without judgement, tequila, or a poorly placed armchair to burden your moves.

Since the genius disco in the dark concept was dreamt up by Melbourne dance students, Alice Glenn and Heidi Barrett in 2009, No Lights No Lycra has been catching on everywhere, from us here in NZ, to Canada, China, Europe and the US, making bad dance moves public all over the world. If your sub-par whip and your lacklustre nae nae need a little work, where better to try them out than in the dark where no one can see your moves, let alone judge them?




Mon, Aug 17, 2015

Monday, August 17, 2015



St Annes Hall
22 Emmett Street


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