Arts & Entertainment

Te Taiao Nature Halloween After Dark

Get in the Halloween spirit at Te Papa's adults-only night.
By Bella Foster
October 31, 2019

Fri, Nov 1, 2019

Friday, November 1, 2019


Te Papa Museum

55 Cable St, Wellington

With spooky celebrations aplenty in Wellington, you're not gonna want to miss this one. Join the team at the iconic Te Papa museum for a night exploring the spooky side of its new exhibition space, Te Taiao Nature. This adults-only event will include everything from talks to music, food, drinks, live tattooing and more.

Held in the natural history exhibition zone, this spooky event will begin at 7.30pm and run until 11pm. You'll be grooving to the beats of Radioactive DJ Don Luchito, accompanied by an equally entertaining blood-curdling visual spectacle. Food and drink will also be available from the pop-up bar.

With a range of talks and live demonstrations running, you'll want to arrive with enough time to catch them all. Learn about the bizarre and magical plants of New Zealand, supernatural powers, and a long search for the infamous ghost orchid. Don't miss the 8.30pm talk, where medical entomologist Julia Kasper delves into the history of bloodsucking creatures. Elsewhere, join a late-night live drawing session or sacrifice your body in the name of conservation — choose from 16 threatened or extinct native birds to get permanently tattooed on your body.

There is so much to get excited about at Te Papa this Halloween, with a dress-up competition, drawing after dark and plenty more informative, entertaining and spooky talks to enjoy. Entry is free and spot prizes will be awarded for the most inventive Halloween costumes.

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