Wellington on Film
'20s elections, '80s commercials, a '50s baby carnival: this exhibition is a cinematic time capsule of the capital.
Wellington on Film 1911 – 1984 is an audio-visual plunge into Wellington's history presenting an amalgam of clips from local films held by the Nga Taonga Sound & Vision collections. The medley will feature entertaining reflections on Wellington life – Nellie the elephant and high school callisthenics – as well as more sombre themes – NZ soldiers departing for World War 1.
Wellington on Film is sure to evoke the full range of nostalgic emotion, from wistful longing to reminiscing laughter. Other highlights include commercials from the '60s – '80s, early twentieth century impassioned electioneering – earnest enthusiasm from years gone by always making for good yucks – and wonderful footage of old Wellington architecture.
A brilliant night out for thoroughgoing Wellingtonians to look back on the Wellington that was, or for Wellington greenhorns to gain insight into how the city has changed over the past century. For a veritable promenade into Wellingtons history on screen don't miss this 70 minutes of cinematic goodness from the vaults.
Photo of the Majestic Theater Wellington (1929 - 1968) by Gordon Burt.