Writers on Mondays: The Next Page 2

Wellington's emerging writers.
Laetitia Laubscher
Published on September 08, 2014


Writers on Mondays is a free weekly event held every Monday from July 14 until September 29, 2014. Each week local and international writers, screenwriters and poets like Peter Cox - who wrote Insider's Guide to Happiness, Mexican-born Michael Schmidt who founded two poetry presses in the UK, and ex-TVNZ US correspondent Tim Wilson talk about the work and inspiration involved in putting those ink blots on paper.

This week Masters in Creative Writing students Patrick Hunn, Ben Egerton, Rupa Maitra, Faith Wilson, Alison Burdett,Anahera Gildea, Georgia Godwin, Juliet Allnatt, Max Chapnick and Doug Dillaman perform readings of their work.


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