The Nutcracker on Ice

Once you've had some fun slipping and sliding at Aotea Square's pop up ice rink, go see how the pros do it. At The Nutcracker on Ice you are guaranteed displays of breathtaking high-speed leaps and throws and awe-inspiring acrobatics, coupled with graceful and sublime ice dancing.
Karina Abadia
Published on June 26, 2012


Once you've had some fun slipping and sliding over at Aotea Square's pop up ice rink, head indoors to see how the pros do it. At the Imperial Ice Stars production of The Nutcracker on Ice you can be guaranteed displays of breathtaking high-speed leaps and throws and awe-inspiring acrobatics, coupled with graceful and sublime ice dancing.

The production features lavish sets from one of Australia’s premier scenic designers, Eamon D’Arcy and boasts a 25-strong cast of World, European and National Championship skaters. Together with characteristically sumptuous costumes, magical special effects and arguably Tchaikovsky’s most famous music, The Nutcracker on Ice promises to mesmerise.


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