Tusk, Tusk

Dancing a fine line between hilarity and heartache, Tusk, Tusk is the new offering from the young award-winning playwright Polly Stenham.
Karina Abadia
Published on July 09, 2012


Maggie, 14, Eliot, 15, and Finn, 7, are home alone in an unfurnished flat awaiting a call on a cell phone that never rings. What are they waiting for and where the hell is Mum? Dancing a fine line between hilarity and heartache, Tusk, Tusk is the new offering from the young award-winning playwright Polly Stenham (That Face).

Tusk, Tusk is presented as part of the Next Big Thing Festival, a two-week season of the best local and international work for young audiences. The Next Big Thing is a year-long youth company based at Auckland Theatre Company. It provides a bridge from high school to drama school and between full-time training and the professional industry. It is a hothouse for new talent: a place to develop new work and new ways of working.


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