
Marley shows how insightful a music biopic can be when it's done right. And naturally enough, the music takes centre stage.
Karina Abadia
Published on July 22, 2012


The long-awaited Bob Marley documentary is balanced enough in its admiration of Marley’s unique talent to make it fascinating watching for the converted and the unconverted alike. Precise little interview footage exists of the man himself but the documentary is full of revealing new interviews with collaborators, adversaries and even a studio janitor.

Marley is presented in its historical context: We see soccer crazy Rastas living in less than harmonious proximity to London punks. And we are transported to Jamaica's lush countryside and then later to the inhospitable cold of winter in Germany, where cancer patient Marley spent his last months in 1981. Marley shows how insightful a music biopic can be when it's done right. And naturally enough, the music takes centre stage.

To watch the trailer and see Concrete Playground's 'must see' film festival picks, click here.

*Marley also plays Saturday 28 July, 6pm and Sunday 29 July, 3pm at Bridgeway to sold out audiences.


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