
The Oliver award-winning show Babel explores the ideas of language and territory and the influence these concepts have on our lives.
Karina Abadia
Published on January 23, 2013


The Oliver award-winning show Babel, choreographed by Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui and Damien Jalet, explores the ideas of language and territory and the influence these concepts have on our lives.

The dancers move their bodies to a powerful live score that fuses Hindi beats, Japanese drumming and medieval flute and harp. They inhabit a steel cube construction which transforms into a series of towers and rooms, creating a sense of community one moment and isloation the next. The effect is powerful, evoking such feelings as optimism and despair in equal measures. Take a punt on this show in the Auckland Arts Festival and you won't be disappointed.

To read the Concrete Playground Ten Must See Shows at Auckland Arts Festival, click here.


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