Event Western Springs

Bitter Sweet

The various guises of love.
Anna Tokareva
January 12, 2015


Mixit is an amazing project that facilitates workshops, tutorials and performances that bring together young people from diverse backgrounds. Refugees, migrants and locals learn and grow together to establish connections and work towards public performances. Mixit demonstrates what a powerful tool storytelling can be in deepening our understanding of one another in a world constantly on the move.

Bitter Sweet, Mixit's latest show, will showcase a wide range of skills from the talented performers, including drama, choreography, and music. The show will delve into the universal subject of love in its many guises. Informed by the experiences of the young people taking part, and inspired by Shakespeare, the old-time purveyor of the subject, Bitter Sweet will be a dynamic and memorable emotional ride.




Fri, Jan 16, 2015 - Sat, Jan 17, 2015

Fri, Jan 16, 2015 - Saturday, January 17, 2015



100 Motions Road
Western Springs


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