Nuclear Family

This comedic drama follows the journey of a bunch of Jewish immigrants from the Soviet Union and Venezuela as they adjust to their new lives in Godzone.
Karina Abadia
Published on October 24, 2012


Nuclear Family premiered at the Adelaide Fringe Festival 2011 and has been performed at several European festivals including the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. It also took out the 2011 Moondance International Festival Atlantis Award for Best Stageplay (Script). Yes, in other words, this play has been met with some serious international acclaim.

It features local actor Yael Gezentsvey in a performance which sees her take on 12 multi-cultural characters in this captivating solo-show. Written by New Zealand playwright Desiree Gezentsvey and set on the eve of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, this comedic drama follows the journey of a bunch of Jewish immigrants from the Soviet Union and Venezuela as they adjust to their new lives in Godzone.

Longing to belong in the upside-down world of Kiwis, they struggle with the realisation that although the grass is definitely greener on the free side, the fence is still there and their loved ones are on the other side.


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