POPdining: Live Below the Line

A $2.17 dining event held for poverty awareness.
Laetitia Laubscher
Published on September 16, 2013


Live Below the Line is coming up this September, an international project aimed at raising awareness about poverty around the world.  The challenge is to live on $2.25 worth of food per day, for 5 days.

Last year's POPdining event fed over 50 people (at an average cost of $2.17 per person), raising $1000 for the project in the process. This year's menu is yet to be decided, but if last year's five course meal's anything to go by, it's going to be a tasty affair with all produce bought locally, seasonally and communally.

In the spirit of restraint the usual wine won't be served, only water. Although those who would like to bring their own wine are welcome to do so.

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