Arts & Entertainment

Te Komititanga Christmas Light Show

A dazzling light spectacular is set to bring the North Pole to Auckland's Te Komititanga sqaure.
By Sarah Templeton
December 03, 2021

Fri, Dec 3, 2021 - Fri, Dec 24, 2021

Fri, Dec 3, 2021 - Friday, December 24, 2021


Te Komititanga

, Auckland

If you haven't ventured into Auckland's CBD in the last few months, now is the time to do it. A festive light show is set to turn Te Komititanga square into the North Pole after dark, and you're invited along for the sleigh ride.

Organised by Auckland Council, Heart of the City and Commercial Bay, the dazzling display will illuminate the entire face of the Chief Post Office every night from Friday, December 3. That's a 55 metre wide, 32 metre high show for Chrissy lovers of all ages and stages.

Nab a hot chocolate, get to the square by 8:45pm and you'll have a front row seat to the festive journey, which starts in Tāmaki Makaurau before travelling to Santa's workshop in the North Pole. You'll get to see how the presents are made and wrapped by the elves, and if you look closely, you may even spot Santa's sleigh as he makes his way to the South Hemisphere.

It's hoped the light spectacular will entice people back into the city centre after a long few months spent locked down indoors. As it runs several times between from 8.45pm -11pm daily until Christmas Eve, we'd recommend making an evening of it. Finish off your Christmas shopping at Commercial Bay, swing past the Smith and Caughey Christmas window, grab a meal on the waterfront and finish things off at the light show.

Parking is free for the first two hours, so why not? It's the perfect way to fill the devastating void left by the cancellation of the Franklin Road Christmas lights for the second year running.

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