Sydney Is Getting a Huge Rembrandt Exhibition

Say hello to the Dutch Golden Age and acclaimed multimedia art.
Jasmine Crittenden
Published on November 13, 2016

The 2016-17 Sydney International Art Series might've just kicked off with Tatsuo Miyajima: Connect with Everything and Nude: Art from the Tate collection, but that doesn't mean that we can't start looking forward to next year's art extravaganza. 2017-18's event is shaping up to be just as big. Think the Dutch Golden Age and acclaimed multimedia art.

Sydney is getting its first ever art show dedicated to the former, to be held at the Art Gallery of New South Wales. The exhibition will bring you stacks of Rembrandt's masterpieces — and splashes of Vermeer, Ruisdael, Hals, Steen, Dou, Lievens and Leyster as well. Expect works interpreting all aspects of Dutch life in the 17th century, from country characters and landscapes to city scenes and sailing ships.

That's just the half of the 2017-18 International Art Series. Also coming your way is a mega new Pipilotti Rist retrospective, to be hosted at the Museum of Contemporary Art.

Rist, who hails from Switzerland, has been challenging the boundaries of multimedia art for 30 years. Her massive installations immerse you in worlds filled with light and music, where video, sculpture and live performance blend. In 2009, she drew a record crowd to New York's Museum of Modern Art.

"Pipilotti Rist is one of the world's most celebrated contemporary artists," said Elizabeth Ann Macgregor OBE, director of the MCA. "Her lush and playful multi-screen video installations are audience favourites wherever they are shown and will no doubt captivate visitors here in Australia."

The retrospective, which is being put together by Natasha Bullock, senior curator at the MCA, will include important early works and major video objects.

Since being founded in 2010, the Sydney International Art Series has attracted more than 1.7 million people and inspired $122 million worth of spending from overnight visitors.

Rembrandt and the Dutch golden age will show at the AGNSW from 10 November 2017 to 25 February 2018. 

The Pipilotti Rist retrospective will show at the MCA from 26 October 2017 to 18 February 2018.

Published on November 13, 2016 by Jasmine Crittenden
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