Take Your Dog to the Pub this March

What really wins it for me is the idea of a dog sitting beside me at my favourite bar (on a stool, of course).

Trish Roberts
Published on February 29, 2012

There are pet owners, and there are pet owners - the kind who invite you out to walk the dog, spend nights out with friends sharing photos of their loved one(s), who would take their pets everywhere if they could. Yes, I can see it might be a little obsessive but, frankly, I side with the second group. Imagine how much more fun the world would be to have these critters hanging out 24/7? What really wins it for me is the idea of a dog sitting beside me at my favourite bar (on a stool, of course). A little like Dogs Playing Poker come to life. Well, it seems March is my chance to live that dream.

Parched March is, put simply, drinking for a cause: animals. This year, all proceeds go to the Animal Welfare League NSW, who we all know do wonderful things to rescue pets who find themselves in the wrong home and stop animal cruelty. How do you get involved? There's a multitude of ways but my pick is the Sunday 'Pets In Pubs' gatherings. Turn up to the pub in question and bring your best friend along. Easy. There's an array of other events throughout the month, including a Cocktails vs. Wine debate and Yum Cha with BYO dogs. Or you can simply turn up to a participating bar and order one of the Parched March drinks - the bar will do the donating for you.

Let's face it, I'm much more likely to support a cause that keeps me hanging out in bars than one that demands that I stay 'dry'. We can all drink to that.

Published on February 29, 2012 by Trish Roberts
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