Win a Double Pass to the Sydney Writers’ Festival

Concrete Playground has teamed up with Sydney Writers' Festival to give away double passes to Why Get Married When You Could Be Happy?

Emma Joyce
Published on April 11, 2012

In what's set to be a lively discussion on a current political hot-topic, four international authors will be debating the pros and cons of gay marriage at the Sydney Writers' Festival event, Why Get Married When You Could Be Happy?.

Thrashing out controversial and thought-provoking insights into the civil rights issue will be Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit author Jeanette Winterson, champion of gay liberation Dennis Altman, author of The Family Law and senior frankie contributor Benjamin Law, and Russian-American journalist and author Masha Gessen.

Taking place at Sydney's Town Hall on Saturday, May 19 from 6pm, the debate is part of this year's Sydney Writers' Festival and will be facilitated by writer and broadcaster Annette Shun Wah.

For more info, read CP's round-up of the Sydney Writers' Festival highlights and the announced programme for 2012.

Concrete Playground has three double passes to give away for this highly anticipated event. To be in for a chance to win a pair of tickets, make sure you're subscribed to Concrete Playground then email your name and postal address to [email protected]

Published on April 11, 2012 by Emma Joyce
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