Moonlight Cinema’s Summer Program Launch Puts the Picnic in Your CBD Lunch Break

Your Martin Place lunchtime just got astro turf, an LA-style food truck, and a big screen.

Jessica Surman
Published on November 13, 2014

Here's something to add a little cinematographic pizazz to your mid-week lunch break. Moonlight Cinema, who you may be acquainted with from picnic-rugged movie nights under the stars of summers past, are officially announcing their 2014/2015 season program next Wednesday, November 19 — and they're doing it in in the guise of a pop-up CBD lunchtime picnic, complete with glistening astro turf, and — because it wouldn't be Sydney in 2014 without one — a food truck.

Plan to take a sneaky extra-long lunch break and head down to Martin Place to nab your spot on the fake grass. And rope a workmate or two in. One of you will need to stake out your territory while someone else joins the line for wagyu beef cheeseburgers, Southern-fried chicken burgers, shrimp tacos, pulled pork nachos, Cobb salad, and New Yorker chilli cheese dogs. The food truck will be dishing these out from 12pm to 2pm.

Moonlight will be playing the trailers of every single one of the films in their new season — which they're promising will be a healthy and bound-to-please curation of advanced screenings, new releases, and cult favourites. As a guide for what to expect, last year's season included big Boxing Day releases, and much-loved romps of an older vintage, including The Castle and Monty Python's The Life of Brian.

CBD workers looking to take it a little easy on a Wednesday will also be able to purchase tickets for the season at exclusively discounted prices and enter competitions to win season passes or tickets for the Gold Grass section — that’s the fancy bit of the park with bean bags, and waiters. And, if all the astro turf and picnic rugs weren't enough, you can use the onsite Instagram printer to print snaps of yourself with your tacos, for extra twee points.

If you have actual work to do, you could probably also just check their website on the day for program details. Moonlight Cinema's 2014/2015 season will run from December 11 to March 9, and films screen in the Belvedere Amphitheatre in Centennial Park.

Published on November 13, 2014 by Jessica Surman
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