Secret Garden 2015 Tickets Are On Sale

Prep those page-refreshing muscles. Perhaps it's the appeal of the enigmatic, but predictions are these won't last long.

Jessica Surman
Published on November 13, 2014

Attention fans of bands, booze and blissing out. Tickets for the 2015 Secret Garden Festival — a.k.a. the most mysterious festival tickets money can buy — are on sale. That's Friday, November 14 from 9am, kids.

For those unfamiliar with the concept behind Secret Garden — and to you I must ask: really? — the gist of it is this: Two days. A secret lineup that's not revealed until well after the event has sold out. Shenanigans including and not limited to dress-ups, pop-up bars, art installations, confetti cannons, costume-making, and camping in the grounds of a 3000-acre dairy farm just north of Sydney.

Facts that we do know about the 2015 edition of the most enigmatic music event on the Sydney calendar is that it'll take place on Friday, February 27 and Saturday, February 28 at the festival's once secret, now regular destination 'The Farm', and that admission is $185 for both days, or $125 for just the Saturday. And, as usual, it's all a not-for-profit fundraiser for the Sarah Hilt Foundation — a local charity raising money for sufferers of meningococcal.

Despite the clandestine line-up, tickets to Secret Garden 2014 sold out within hours of going on sale. If you're keen for 2015, prep your bank account and flex those page-refreshing muscles now. Predictions are these tickets won't last much past lunch.

Published on November 13, 2014 by Jessica Surman
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