Reko Rennie's Iconic Pink Darlinghurst Artwork Is Set to Be Removed

The City of Sydney will have the Inwork painted over as it prepares to sell the Taylor Square building.
Libby Curran
Published on November 04, 2017

It's titled Always was, always will be, but the artwork that graces the facade of Taylor Square's T2 building won't be around much longer, with the City of Sydney marking the piece for removal in preparation of the building's sale.

Painted by Indigenous artist Reko Rennie in 2012 for the council's Streetware program and in recognition of the land's original owners, the bold design has become one of Sydney's most prominent public Indigenous artworks.

Though originally created as a temporary installation, the council voted to keep it up for an extra two years, before ultimately agreeing it could stay until September 2017. Now, the work is set to be painted over as the council gears up to sell the property, which it bought in 2009.

A council spokesperson told The Sydney Morning Herald that, in light of the sale, Rennie had given the go-ahead for the work's removal. "Repainting the building will remove the current artwork and ensure the City in its capacity as building and artwork owner is complying with the development application for the artwork, which has expired and the wishes of the artist for the work to be remove prior to sale," he said.

Via The Sydney Morning Herald.

Published on November 04, 2017 by Libby Curran
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