Chicks on Speed: Golden Gang

They may not play guitars, but there's little else the legendary Munich multi-arts collective don't do.
Sarah Ward
Published on February 13, 2015


There’s more to Chicks on Speed than 'We Don’t Play Guitars', the 2003 single so catchy that you probably have it stuck in your head just from reading its title. They pioneered the electroclash style of 1980s disco meets 1990s synth pop, but that’s still only the beginning of their feats.

Since forming in Munich in 1997, the multidisciplinary art collective has dabbled in performance, collage, photography, textiles, short films and more. By more, we mean smashing records while DJing, and founding illegal bars. We also mean creating wearable sound sculptures, called objektinstruments.

Now you can sample just what makes the music and fine art ensemble great across the audio and visual spectrums. In their first exhibition with Milani Gallery, they’ll present a selection of new and recent efforts from their range of artforms. Expect a little bit of everything — and, in keeping with Chicks on Speed’s style, expect surprises.

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