How to Be a Heroine

Let's talk about kick-ass ladies doing kick-ass things.
Sarah Ward
Published on August 31, 2015


If there's a trend everyone can get behind, it's books about kick-ass ladies doing kick-ass things. Harry Potter's Hermione Granger and The Hunger Games' Katniss Everdeen have been leading the charge of late — but they're in good company.

From Jane Eyre and Hester Prynn to the modern-day characters getting our feisty hearts a-pumping, the heroine is an enduring part of literature for a reason. Discover more as Sarah Waters, Jane Caro, Kate Grenville and Sophie Hannah discuss the hows and whys about the women readers have grown to love, laud, obsess over and idolise — as well as address the ways in which characters and writers can help us be the heroines of our own existence.

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