Queensland Ballet Dance Classes

Learn how to pirouette and perfect your Pilates moves with practising professionals.
Jasmine Crittenden
Published on June 03, 2017


If you want to learn to dance, you may as well learn from the masters. And now the Queensland Ballet can get you Nut-Cracking, even if you're not a trained dancer. The organisation is running drop-in classes at their Thomas Dixon Centre in West End.

And it's not just ballet that's on the agenda. Sure, you can don your tutu and get a-pirouetting if that's your calling. But there are lessons in a host of other styles as well, including contemporary and Broadway-style dancing. Also on the program is Pilates, yoga and tai chi, so you can keep yourself stretchy and calm in-between dance sessions.

Classes are casual, cost $16 per pop and run the year through. So, you can turn up — or not — at your leisure. If you do want to make a commitment, 10 class packages, 30-day memberships and courses are also available. Don't forget to send us a vid if you manage to master that curbside scene in Singin' in the Rain or score a role in La La Land Vol. II.

The Queensland Ballet runs casual classes Saturday to Thursday at the Thomas Dixon Centre, Corner of Drake Street and Montague Road, West End. For more info or to book-in to a class, visit queenslandballet.com.au.

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