The Basics

Wally de Backer, Tim Heath and Kris Schroeder get the gang back together after three years.
Jasmine Crittenden
Published on September 09, 2013


Most of the time, when bands take a break, they disappear into the land of never-to-be-heard-of-again. It's a kind of ex-rockers' purgatory, where would-have-, could-have- and should-have-beens sit around listening to early demo tapes, bemoaning the halcyon days when a record deal was forever just around the corner, and growing bitter about the fact that such-and-such became too egotistical or whatshisname retreated to the countryside to clean up his act.

Not so The Basics. In their three-year hiatus, they've managed to win three Grammys (via Wally de Backer's transformation into Gotye), write a film score (Tim Heath's contribution to The Rise and Rise of Richard Latt)  and catch malaria while checking out Kenya's local music scene (just one chapter in Kris Schroeder's excellent adventures).

With all of that out of (or should that be in?) their system, they're ready for a reunion. So they've released new single 'So Hard For You' and will be touring nationally throughout September and October.

"It's been a great challenge nutting out how to bring a large band, visuals and studio compositions together for the Gotye live shows over the last two years," Wally says. "But right now I'm looking forward to getting sweaty behind the drums and playing rock 'n' roll in these fab clubs with my brothers Kris and Tim."

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