Five Summer-Themed Brisbane Activities You Can Enjoy All Year Round

Make the most of summer, all year round.
Eliza Crisp
Published on May 24, 2018

In partnership with

The mercury has dropped, the Uggs are dusted off, and you no longer need to feverishly crank the air con from the moment you wake. Pat yourself on the back, folks, because you've successfully survived another sweltering Brisbane summer.

Don't listen to those naysayers who moan about the impending arrival of the cooler months. We promise you, it truly is a time to celebrate. Low humidity? Check. Less chance of sunstroke? Check. Finally getting a chance to crack out that ripper jacket you bought last year? Double check.

Because we are lucky enough to live in the sub-tropics, we are keenly aware of the fact that the notion of 'summer' truly can be carried all year round. Here in Queensland, we teeter close enough to the equator to be blessed with damn decent weather all year round. You can almost pretend it's not winter at all.

To do so all you need is good friends, good food, good beer and something fun to do. To help you keep the summer dream alive, we've teamed up with Coopers' new latest Session Ale — a refreshing new beer with distinct tropical fruit aromas and a crisp bitterness — to pull together five summer activities you can enjoy all year round. Because these guys know that the good times don't stop for the season.


Remember all those hikes you had on your bucket list this summer? You and your gym buddies were going to wake up at the crack of dawn, strap on a CamelBak, and ascend some freakishly high terrain. We're willing to bet that the following things stopped you from achieving these goals: Christmas parties, engagement parties, New Year's Eve parties.... you catch our drift. But no longer shall you be swayed. With bright eyes, a clear mind, and cool, crisp winter's air, you cannot be stopped. Mount Tibrogargan! Mount Beerwah! Mount Coot-tha! Plus, you can exploit this opportunity to post some humble-brag Insta Stories from the summit. Need more of a challenge? Pack a six-pack (or two) and head further afield to conquer a multi-day hike.

Brisbane City Council


Yep, we love going to the beach. And we all know that swimming is a brilliant, whole-body workout, perfect for those looking for non-weight-bearing exercise. But once the cooler months hit, it can be tempting to sideline those swimming sessions in favour of… sitting on the couch eating pizza. But fear not. Your fitness levels don't have to be benched for the season —22 Brisbane City Council pools are heated for your swimming pleasure. The Spring Hill Baths is always a fan favourite — and one our top five — and we also love the Valley Pool and Langland's Park. And there's an added bonus: the pools tend to be a little less crowded at this time of the year, so you won't be sideswiped by any Olympic wannabes. When you're done, treat yourself to a pint — it's all about balance, after all.


If you were to poll your closest friends, you would probably find that a decent chunk of them have never experienced the sweet serenity of cracking open a beer in the cinema. Truly, it's a travesty. How about having a pizza, burger and even dessert delivered directly to your cushy leather chair? Mind-blowing, huh? Luckily for us here in Brisbane, we have a boutique, licensed cinema in our midst – the Blue Room Cinebar. Plus, since our winter lines up neatly with 'American Summer Blockbuster Season', the cooler months are the ultimate time to experience this little slice of luxury. Keep the brews coming.

Nightfall, Lamington National Park


Sweating in a tent and drinking room-temperature beer might be fun for some (anyone? anyone?), but we prefer our camping trips a little more lush. A mini mid-year getaway is the perfect respite from the 9-to-5 drudgery (plus, you probably need some vitamin D). If you fancy yourself a Bear Grylls-type, you might want to fashion a shelter out of animal hide, but if you're anything like us, you'll want to step it up a notch. Hire a decked out tent in the hinterland. Camp out in a national park. Cosy up in a cabin at Moreton Island. The only essentials you really need are a six-pack of beer, warm socks, and a decent Bluetooth speaker. Marshmallows optional.cp-line

The Osbourne


On days when it's cold, or maybe when there's even a bit of rain, it's tempting for us Queenslanders to cancel our plans and hide under the covers. But simply mention the word 'pub' over the group chat and you'll find your mates are more than happy to meet up for beers. We are big fans of any venues that boast the winning combo of cosy indoor and outdoor seating, for the perfect summer/winter vibe. One such pub is Fortitude Valley's Osbourne Hotel. It has an impressive 400-seat glass-ceiling bistro and beer garden, plates of oysters and all-day pizza. Grab a seat under one of the heaters and a pint of Session Ale and the last thing on your mind will be the weather.cp-line

Grab a Coopers Session Ale and make the most of summer, all year round.

Top image: The Osbourne

Published on May 24, 2018 by Eliza Crisp
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