Sydney Is About to Get Hit by a Heap of Rain so Prepare Your Brollies

It could be the most rain the city — and parts of the state — has seen in over three months.
Samantha Teague
Published on October 03, 2018

It's been a nice week. Maybe you've been readying to discard your (semi)malfunctioning umbrella and pack away your raincoat, but, pause and take a look out the window — Marge, the rains are 'ere.

According to the Bureau of Meteorology, the city is expected to be hit with about 70mm of rain over the new three days. If you take a look at its radar, it looks like the first of it could hit any minute.

According to the SMHif this prediction is correct, it'll be the most rainfall the city — and parts of the state — has seen in more than three months. Just last month, Australia experienced its driest September on record.

This rain, while slightly annoying for umbrella-less commuters, will be welcomed by NSW farmers, with 100 percent of the state currently in drought.

With the majority of the rain (30–50mm) expected to hit tomorrow — Thursday, October 4 — we suggest snagging yourself a poncho or two if you plan on heading along to the opening night of the Night Noodle Markets.

Published on October 03, 2018 by Samantha Teague
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