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Watch Wes Anderson’s Grand Budapest Hotel Recreated in Paper

As twee as it gets.

Shannon Connellan
September 29, 2014


As if Wes Anderson's The Grand Budapest Hotel could get any more adorably twee, Argentine designers Sabrina Giselle Acevedo and Jazmin Granada (both graphic design students at the University of Buenos Aires) have recreated Anderson's latest film's opening credits using paper.

Making a pop-up book-like representation of Gustave's reception keys and Agatha's perfect Mendl's cake, Acevedo and Granada have created a squealworthy sequence of stop animation to make your day that little bit more grand.

Via Fubiz.

Want more Grand Budapest Hotel-ery? Check out our attempts to recreate Mendl's Courtesan au Chocolat with Gelato Messina over here.