Ten Places to Dine Like a World Leader in Brisbane

The G20 leaders may have gone, but you can now follow in their foodsteps.

Daniela Sunde-Brown
Published on November 20, 2014

Those at the G20 last weekend may have been some of the most powerful people in the world, but they're also just humans. Like us, they all need food. While here in Brisbane the world leaders, their spouses, delegates and international media got busy dining and drinking out and about in the city. But where did they go? Don't worry, we've done the research. If you didn’t get to catch a glance of the Obamacade rushing through, take the chance to dine in their foodsteps at some of Brisbane’s finest establishments.

GOMA Restaurant

GOMA Restaurant can thank its lucky stars for the chance to host all the G20 world leaders last week for a cocktail reception and leaders' dinner, chaired by our Finance Minister, Joe Hockey. Executive chef Josh Lopez designed a special menu featuring one of GOMA's signature dishes — the wattle seed custard, Daintree chocolate and vanilla curd. You know, the one that looks more like art than food. The three-course menu was inspired by Queensland's best produce including Hervey Bay scallops, Kalbar carrot, Lockyer Valley cauliflower and Kenilworth VIP Wagyu fillet. On December 2, they're offering everyone the chance to dine on the same menu for $250.


We all need the chance to let our hair down sometimes, and Caxton Street is a great place to do it. As we're sure you’ve heard, German Chancellor Angela Merkel had the right idea when stopping by craft beer bar Brewski to mingle with the locals and get to know Brisbane’s bar scene. Not one of the 205 beers Brewski stock is German, but I'm sure the owners could find you something you'd enjoy too. Be sure to request '99 Luft Balloons' to make your experience authentic.


Afraid of being shirtfronted by Julie Bishop, British Prime Minister David Cameron hid out riverside at Stokehouse in South Bank on Friday night. If bugs are on the menu, the choice is always easy, so we hope he dined on Moreton Bay's finest with braised leeks, spinach, whole-egg fazzoletti and shellfish butter. And there's always room for dessert, right David? You can't get more Queensland than slow-roasted pineapple with young coconut, kaffir lime sorbet and passionfruit.


Hola! The Mexican president and delegation found a home at Alchemy one evening. We assume they went for the degustation, because when you're the president you can do that sort of thing more regularly. If so, he got a taste for our fine state with courgette flowers from Noosa, Hervey Bay scallops, and pork belly from Kingaroy. And of course, it's all best washed down with a healthy dose of tequila.


You don't become Brisbane's top restaurant — or earn yourself three hats — for nothing. Last week another Mexican leader took a liking to this local legned. The Secretary-General of the OECD dined at the restaurant no less than three times in the week he was here. He even found the time to grab dinner on his way back from Hamilton Island before jetting home on Wednesday night. The establishment also hosted a number of economic world leaders including International Monetary Fund managing director Christine Lagarde. Oui oui!


Set up within the restricted area, Bacchus proved to be a safe haven for many during the G20. The Australians stayed there, the Spanish President and delegation popped by for dinner and Madame Lagarde was spotted yet again. Sure the location was convenient, but from what we’ve tried there before, the food was fit for royalty of all kinds. Post G20 meetings, we’re told the Aussies invited all to kick on at Soleil Pool Bar for a Sunday session (of sorts).

Jade Buddha

Known for its Full Moon parties, Jade Buddha was an unexpected choice for the glamorous wife of Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. Mexico's First Lady, Angelica Rivera, popped out for a drink at Jade Buddha bar at Eagle Street Pier and allegedly stayed two hours to enjoy a cold glass of white wine. And we don't blame her — it was certainly the right weather for it.

Gambaro Seafood Restaurant

Angela Merkel proved to be a lady about town while in Brisbane, also stopping by Gambaro Seafood for a feed. Further projecting her image as 'one of us' ordinary people, her delegation required no special attention as the group dined straight off the a la carte menu. Sadly no #MerkelSelfies have surfaced. Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki-moon found himself at home here too, but may have been tight on space since the Germans conquered the private dining room for their office, and used the function centre to meet with the Indonesian President.

Pony Dining

While Pony didn’t host any official delegates, it did host a number of quizzical minds. The venue became the unofficial media hangout with reporters from New Zealand found grazing about, and an entourage of American journalists hunting Obama’s every move. The more the merrier, Pony is best known for it’s share plates.

Room Service

A lot of these VIPs opted to ‘dine in’, and judging by the security entourage they cart around, that was surely the easy option. Sadly for us, this made it hard for celebrity spotting. The Hilton was home to Putin and his pals, Gambaro had Angela Merkel and Barack was found at The Marriott. Treat yourself, stay the night and order take in.

Photos via Dominika Lis/G20 Australia and KassandraBayResort via photopin cc.

Published on November 20, 2014 by Daniela Sunde-Brown
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